June 11, 2019. Our latest Virtual Collection is now online and it focuses on trace fossils, which record the behaviors of ancient life. Access at: https://www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org/vc/trace-fossils/
Virtual Collection: Phylum Porifera
June 5, 2019: We have just added an all new Virtual Collection of interactive 3D models of representative modern and fossil sponges (phylum Porifera). It may be accessed at: https://www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org/vc/porifera/
Angiosperms: Flowers
June 4, 2019: We have added a new page on angiosperms that covers flower structure. (Images of Hydrangea flowers above credit Dominicus Johannes Bergsma/Wikimedia Commons and Yale Peabody Museum/iDigBio Portal). It can be accessed at: https://www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org/learn/embryophytes/angiosperms/flowers/
Animal Phylogeny
May 22, 2019 We have added a brief, highly-simplified overview of animal phylogeny to the Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life. It may be accessed at: https://www.digitalatlasofancientlife.org/learn/animal-phylogeny/
Virtual Collection: Corals
May 15, 2019 We have added a Virtual Collection devoted to ancient and modern corals (Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa). Explore here.
Land Plant Life Cycles
A new page for the land plant chapter of DEAL has been posted and focuses on the often complex life cycles of land plants. It may be accessed here.
Virtual Collection: Phylum Echinodermata
Our Virtual Collection of fossil echinoderms is now online and can be accessed here.
Virtual Collection: Phylum Brachiopoda
There’s Mollusk Monday and Worm Wednesday, but no special day of the week for brachiopods, which is kind of too bad. Anyhow, we are happy to share that our Virtual Collection of 3D models of fossil brachiopod shells is now online and may be accessed here.
New website for Neogene Atlas: neogeneatlas.net
The domain name for the Neogene Atlas has recently changed. The new web address is neogeneatlas.net (instead of neogeneatlas.org); please update your bookmarks.
New Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life chapter on Systematics now online!
The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life–a free, open access, online “textbook” about prehistoric organisms, as well as basic principles of geology and biology–continues to grow. A new chapter on Systematics–the science of biodiversity–is now online! Written by Ohio University assistant professor Elizabeth Hermsen and Paleontological Research Institution Director of Publications Jonathan Hendricks, this chapter focuses on the nuts-and-bolts of taxonomic …