Virtual Collection: Phylum Cnidaria

This virtual collection was last curated by Jaleigh Pier on August 20, 2019. Each model is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Unless otherwise indicated, each model was created by Emily Hauf using specimens at the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.

Rugose Corals

This rugose coral specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.

Family Campophyllidae

Fossil rugose coral Campophyllum torquium from the Pennsylvanian Dewey Limestone of Oklahoma (PRI 45564). Specimen is on display at the Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 16 cm.

Family Hapsiphyllidae

Fossil specimen of the rugose coral Zaphrentites spinulosum from the Mississippian of Tennessee (PRI 70757). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Specimen is approximately 3.5 cm in length.

Family Lithostrotionidae

Fossil rugose coral (or, horn coral) Acrocyathus floriformis from the Mississippian of Van Buren County, Iowa (PRI 50370). Specimen is on display at the Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 9 cm. 

Fossil specimen of the colonial rugose coral Acrocyathus floriformis from the Mississippian St. Louis Limestone of Monroe County, Illinois. Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.

Fossil specimen of the colonial rugose coral Acrocyathus floriformis from the Mississipian St. Louis Limestone of Monroe County, Illinois (PRI 70756). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Specimen is approximately 9 cm in length.

Family Zaphrentidae

Fossil rugose coral Heliophyllum confluens from the Middle Devonian of Livingston County, New York (PRI 49870). Specimen is on display at the Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, New York. Height of specimen is approximately 20 cm.

Fossil specimen of the rugose coral Heliophyllum sp. from the Middle Devonian Ludlowville Formation of Genesee County, New York (PRI 5541). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Specimen is approximately 9.5 cm in length.

Fossil specimen of the rugose coral Heliophyllum halli from the Middle Devonian Moscow Formation of Erie County, New York (PRI 70755). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Specimen is approximately 11 cm in length. 

Stony Corals

Family Agariciidae

Modern specimen of the scleractinian coral Agaricia agaricites from the Florida Keys (PRI 76794). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 10 cm. 

Family Faviidae

Modern specimen of the sclearactinian coral Cladocora arbusucula from near St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida (PRI 13376). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum diameter of specimen is approximately 7.5 cm.

Modern specimen of the scleractinian coral Montastraea cavernosa from off Monroe County, Florida (PRI 13355). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum dimension of specimen is approximately 11 cm.

Fossil scleractinian coral Pseudodiploria clivosa from the Pleistocene Miami Oolite of Monroe County, Florida (PRI 76861). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 9 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Thysanus excentricus from the Pliocene Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) of Lee County, Florida (PRI 76870). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 14 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Scolymia lacera associated with a oyster that appears to have grown upon the coral (PRI 76871). Specimen is from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sarasota County, Florida and is part of the research collection of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 11 cm. 

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Scolymia lacera from the Plio-Pleistocene of Hendry County, Florida (PRI 76872). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum diameter of specimen is approximately 6.5 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Manicina areolata from the Pleistocene Caloosahatchee Fm. of Lee County, Florida (PRI 76869). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 13.5 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Pseudodiploria strigosa from the Pliocene Tamiami Fm. (Pinecrest Beds) of Lee County, Florida (PRI 76868). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 12 cm. 

Family Flabellidae

Fossil specimen of the solitary coral Flabellum appendiculatum from the Miocene of Belgium (PRI 44626). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 3.5 cm.

Family Meandrinidae

Fossil scleractinian coral Meandrina meandrites from the Pliocene Tamiami Formation of Lee County, Florida (PRI 76875). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum diameter of specimen is approximately 22 cm. 

Modern specimen of the sclearactinian coral Eusmilia fastigata from Sand Key Reef, Florida Keys, Florida (PRI 76767). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 13.5 cm.

Family Rhizangiidae

Fossil gastropod Strombus evergladesensis with encrusting scleractinian coral Astrangia solitaria from the Middle Pleistocene Bermont Formation of Palm Beach County, Florida (PRI 76862). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of shell is approximately 8 cm.

Fossil scleractinian coral Astrangia sp. with associated Ceratoconcha and Balanus barnacles (PRI 76863). Specimen is from the Pleistocene Fort Thompson Formation of Hillsborough County, Florida. Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 12 cm.

A worn fossil specimen of the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria that has been extensively bored into by the sponge Clionia sulphurea and encrusted by the scleractinian coral Astrangia danae. Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of shell is approximately 8.5 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Septastrea crassa from the Pliocene Tamiami Fm. (Pinecrest Beds) of Sarasota, Florida (PRI 45562). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of specimen is approximately 23.5 cm.

Fossil coral Septastrea marylandica from the upper Pliocene Tamiami Fm. (Pinecrest Beds) of Sarasota County, Florida (PRI 70753). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum length of specimen is 46.0 mm. This species lived by encrusting and growing on the shells of other organisms, in this case a snail shell. Learn more about this species on the Neogene Atlas of Ancient Life

Family Siderastreidae

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Siderastrea dalli, with the coral Dichocoenia eminens growing upon it; also present are the coral barnacles Ceratoconcha prefloridana, as well as other small encrusters. Specimen is from the Pleistocene Caloosahatchee Formation of Florida (PRI 76789). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 12 cm.

Fossil scleractinian “pancake” coral Siderastrea pliocenica from the Pliocene Tamiami Formation of Lee County, Florida (PRI 76859). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 14 cm.

Fossil specimen of the scleractinian coral Siderastrea pliocenica from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sarasota County, Florida (PRI 76873). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum diameter of specimen is approximately 6.5 cm.

Tabulate Corals

Family Favositidae

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Favosites sp., encrusted by auloporids; from the Devonian Ludlowville Formation of Genesee County, New York (PRI 76739). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 10.5 cm.

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Favosites favosus from the Silurian of Delaware County, Iowa (PRI 76737). Length of specimen is approximately 10 cm. Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. 

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Favosites tuberosus from the Devonian Onondaga Limestone of Erie County, New York (PRI 54955). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 12 cm.

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Emmonsia emmonsii from the Devonian Onondaga Limestone of Genesee County, New York (PRI 76736). Specimen from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 8.5 cm.

Family Halysitidae

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Halysites catenularia from the Silurian of Jefferson County, Kentucky (PRI 76738). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Maximum dimension of specimen is approximately 5 cm. 

Fossil specimen of the tabulate “chain coral” Catenipora micropora from the Silurian of Kentucky (PRI 76721). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 11 cm.

Fossil specimen of the tabulate “chain coral” Halysites catenularia from the Silurian period (PRI 70775). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of specimen is approximately 24 cm.

Family Micheliniidae

Fossil specimen of the tabulate coral Pleurodictyum sp. from the Devonian Onondaga Limestone of Ontario, Canada (PRI 70773). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension is approximately 10 cm.

Family Pachyporidae

Branches of the fossil tabulate coral Thamnopora limitaris from the Devonian Onondaga Limestone of New York (PRI 50002). Specimen is on display at the Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, New York. Longest dimension of rock is approximately 17.5 cm.

Fossil specimen of the brachiopod Rafinesquina deltoidea from the Ordovician Trenton Group of Lewis County, New York (PRI 70590). The surface of this specimen is covered by an encrusting tabulate coral (perhaps Protarea). Specimen is from the research collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Width of specimen is approximately 5.5 cm.

Fossil Reef

This fossilized reef specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.