3D model of a dinosaur footprint (locomotion trace).

Virtual Collection: Locomotion Traces

This virtual collection was last curated by Jonathan Hendricks on June 11, 2019. Each model is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Unless otherwise indicated, each model was created by Emily Hauf using specimens at the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York.

Locomotion traces (Repichnia)

Fossil specimen of the dinosaur footprint Grallator sp. from the Jurassic of Connecticut (PRI 40798); footprint likely made by the dinosaur Coelophysis. Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. Length of footprint (not including surrounding rock) is approximately 13 cm.

Fossil grallator type footprint counterpart from a three-toed bipedal dinosaur (possibly Coelophysis) from the Late Triassic of Nyack, Rockland County, New York (PRI 49745). Specimen is part of the Paleontological Research Collections and on display at Museum of the Earth, Ithaca New York. Total length of rock is approximately 24 cm. Model by Jaleigh Pier.

Fossil grallator type footprint from a three-toed bipedal dinosaur (possibly Coelophysis) from the Late Triassic of Nyack, Rockland County, New York (PRI 49745). Specimen is part of the Paleontological Research Collections and on display at Museum of the Earth, Ithaca New York. Total length of rock is approximately 24 cm. Model by Jaleigh Pier.