Photograph of the cycad Dioon spinulosum in a greenhouse. The photograph shows a palm-like plant with a single columnar trunk and flush of elongate, pinnately compound leaves. The trunk is covered with leaf bases.

Nearest Living Relative methods

August 12, 2022 A new page on Nearest Living Relative methods has been added to the paleoecology chapter. NLR methods use the nearest living modern relatives of fossil plants in order to estimate paleoclimate.. Explore here: Image: The cycad Dioon spinulosum cultivated in a greenhouse. Photo by Elizabeth J. Hermsen (DEAL).

3-Panel figure, photos of fossils preserving branches. Panel 1: Apical branching in Lepidodendron. Panel 2: Non-axillary lateral branching in Asterophyllites. Panel 3: Axillary lateral branching in dawn redwood (Metasequoia)


January 27, 2021 A new page has been added to the Embryophytes chapter of Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life (DEAL): Branching. This page explores the types of branching in plant shoots and roots and discusses monopodial and sympodial growth. It is part of the section “Introduction to vascular plant structure.” Image credits: Lepidodendron YPM PB 054238 (by Fiona O’Brien); Asterophyllites YPM PB 000699 (by Robert Swerling); Metasequoia …